miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2023


 I hate how you took us for granted. 

How you let everything we had gone through go to the garbage. 

All the times I was vulnerable with you. 

All the times you were vulnerable with me. 

Everything we've built up to that point, you didn't destroyed it. 

You abandoned it. 

With me trapped inside.

domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2023

Family Dinamics

 He standed Infront of her and pointing his finger to her face said


She standed there, below him, looking at the ground. The 1 year old baby grasping to her mother's hair, missing her little shoe.

The older sister (half-sister) adjusting the glasses her grandma gave her because she can't see at school and then she can't pay attention and that means she gets bad scores and that causes her sister's father to get upset and scream at her too, she adjusts her glasses cause she needs to see, she needs to find her baby sister's missing shoe.

"I'm sorry I don't know what happen" the mom studded, looking to the floor while he stands tall, at least 50 cm taller than her and at least 100 pounds heavier than her and his voice a thousand times stronger than hers, and her baby keeps waiving her foot without the shoe and grabbing her mom by the dress cause she wants to eat but baby is not hungry, baby it's just anxious cause she doesn't know why her dad is screaming at her mom in the middle of a restaurant cause she is a baby and she doesn't know her shoe is missing.

He sighs loudly and it's about to say something when his mother, the grandma interrupts him, tells him to stop it cause she is always telling him to stop it, what ever he is doing, she had always told him to stopped it but she knows as she says it that he never does, and she wonders when and how her son became this man that never stops, even when she is telling him to do it cause she is going to go look for the little missing shoe.

He lets go a frustrated sigh and keeps accusing the mother of his daughter of always being careless and always being useless and never paying enough attention even tho she is following with her eyes her oldest daughter who keeps looking for the shoe, even tho she keeps taking care of the baby even tho she can't ever go to the bathroom or eat or sleep properly cause their baby is just a baby and needs her mom.

But there's another actor who tried to stay away and detached of the situation but she can't fight it, the voice of her brother who was once a sweet kid had became her nightmare and the reasons she couldn't get a long with her mom, neither with their dad cause dad never taught him how to be a man cause he was too depressed to teach anything so her brother learn on the streets and her stuff kept disappearing and he would get back home high as fuck and would raise his voice at their mom and she would cry her lungs out "IF YOU THERE TO TOUCH HER ILL GET YOU IN FUCKING JAIL" cause he became violent and the love of their mother couldn't really let her see the man that sweet boy had become. So she looked away but clenching her jaw and her fists, trying really, really trying to stayed detached.

"It seems we can't find it" said the grandma finally, the older sister looking defeated, the mother holding the baby still looking to the floor, trying to hide the shame cause everyone eyes were on her and she thought about how he must be right and she is useless and careless cause she always ends up being scream at, by the father of her daughter, by her mom, by her dad and when someone raises their voice she becomes even smaller and frightened.

He takes the baby's backpack and walks out the door with the mom, the baby, the other kid, the grandma and the aunt walking behind him. 

And the baby kept waiving her little foot while the little shoe had always been chilling, inside th

e baby's backpack.

miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2023

trustee - how ill never trust anyone ever again

There are days I still wonder if you ever understood how important you were to me.

I'm listening to a podcast about a famous Chinese singer who was very depressed, and how she had called her best friend and left a voice mail explaining that they were feeling terrible and needed someone to talk.

And I thought how I could never call someone when I'm feeling sad. How I could never tell anyone how useless and meaningless I sometimes feel, and how there's days my life and existence don't make any sense.

I couldn't tell anyone but you. I did call you and talked to you and cry in front of you a lot of times telling you about it. I now realize, this was a lot for you to take. I was putting my life in your hands and expecting you to solve my problems. To give me a sense of self. 

I was expecting you to relieve me from that burden. And you really couldn't.

I guess that's why you left. I know now, I can't make some else responsible for myself the way I used to do with you. I'm the only person responsible for me. So I can see how tiresome having someone like me around could be.

I can't blame you for leaving me. I know, that I'm often a little bit too much. I know now that calling you when I was feeling bad and showing all these fears and vulnerabilities was a mistake.

I thought I could trust you, but I wasn't supposed to do that.

And I know now that I will never trust anyone again with my sadness and my sorrow, the way I did with you.
I'll never trust anyone, ever again.

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023


 It's been almost a year now. I should be sleeping but I can't. 

The last few days I started thinking about the accident again. Today when I got to my room, I thought about what it would have looked like if I had passed away that day.

I sat down on the bed and left my bags on the floor. The bed has no bedsheets right now but it had them that day.

I could imagine my mom coming to the apartment and opening the door of my room sobbing. Looking at the bed not done and the stuffed lion I always sleep with, comfortably positioned in my pillow and covered with a blanket so it doesn't get cold. 

I imagine she would sit down, hug the lion and cry over my pillow.

I imagine my sister sobbing uncontrollably looking at the gift she gave me before I left for the trip. The Sakura mousepad unused.

I can imagine my dad, sitting on the couch back at home, completely dissociated and sedated, with the doggies asking for pets.

I can imagine my best friend apologizing over and over again to my parents, like if it was her fault.

What would they do with my stuff? What would they choose to keep? What would they give away and to who?

What picture would people use to talk about me on social media about how sad they are and what else would they say?

I wonder, what would my mom or sister choose to dress me with for my last outfit. Would they give a sweater in case I felt cold? Would they ask the funeral home to put a stuffie inside the casket in case I felt scared and wanted to hug something?

And what would my face look like? Would they be able to hide the bruises? What color would they tint my lips and cheeks so I wouldn't look so pale? Would they let my hair down, because they know that if I go to sleep with a pony tail or anything it gives me nightmares?

What color would the casket be? What type of wood? What flowers would they use to say good bye and do they know my allergies never allowed me to smell flowers?

Who would show up? Who would shake my parents hand and say "I'm so sorry for your loss" and come up with a sweet story about who I was. And would there be anyone regretting not being nice to me before I passed? What words would they never be able to say to me now?

Who would sit in the chairs around my slowly putrefactive body, doing small talk and catching up on gossip? What food would they serve? I always liked the chicken soup and the cheese sandwiches.

Who would carry the prayers and who would take care of bringing the priest for the mass? What songs would they sing and would they know if I could, I would have liked to sing them with them? 

And then, once we got to the cemetery... what would their last words be? How would they know that the sounds of the dirt on top of the box would make me remember how the bodies collapsed on top of me while I was unable to move or breath and had only the ability to scream as much as I could.

What would have happened to my soul after that? Would I go to hell? Have I been good enough to be close to God or would I need the thousands upon thousands of prayers from my mom to leave the purgatory?

Would God consider the time I imitated the kids from Fatima and tried to torture myself tying stuff to my body to help the souls of the ones in hell? Or would it hold me accountable for the countless times I said I dispissed my life and wanted to die?

And later, a year later. What would remain of me? Would they still whisper my name? Would they love me more? Would they try to trash talk me and who would say "we don't talk badly about the dead, they are not here to defend themselves"?

Would dying that day stop all the suffering and fear I always lived with?

My nose hurts. 

I should be sleeping but I can't. 

I keep thinking about my own death since then, and I wonder if I'll ever stop thinking about it the way I do. 

I wonder, when I'll be able to rest.

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2023

Of not loving again and a house without cieling, walls, windows or doors

No creo que tenga la energía que se necesita para poder querer a nadie otra vez.

Me imagino como una casa completamente destruida y abandonada a la que botaron hasta los cimientos y apenas estan construyendole unas columnas delgadas. No tengo techo ni paredes, no tengo ventanas y menos una puerta a la que tocar y que pueda abrir para dejar entrar a nadie. 

Mi corazón no es un lugar habitable y es más un riesgo para otros y para mí misma, con la diferencia que yo vivo ahí, en esa casa sin techo ni paredes ni ventanas ni puertas. 

Todos los días me arrastro con la poca energía que me queda para picar piedra e ir construyendome de a poquitos un día a la vez.

Y me preguntó si algún día voy a terminar y mi corazón otra vez tendrá techo, paredes, ventana y puertas para poder abrigar un nuevo amor.

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023

Memories of steamy and soft couch kisses

 It's been 10 years since the first time I kissed your lips.

We were laying in your couch, watching TV a Friday evening. Your dog was a few steps away, snoring.

And then, at some point and with a self confidence I envy now, I lent over and kissed you.

And we kept kissing all night. At first it was small, shy kisses until they became intense and steamy.

I remember leaving your house that day floating in a bubble of pink love and happiness.

I often envy the 21 year old me that kissed you that day. I know we are meant to change, but I don't like what I have become. What I allowed you to do to me during those years together, weights on my shoulders and suffocates me often.

There hasn't been a single day I haven't thought about you since 10 years ago. You were part of my life for almost a 3rd of my life. I repeat that again and again in my head every time I start being hard on myself for not forgetting you yet. 

How could I move on so fast after losing not only the love of my life but my best friend?

It just makes sense right, that I have a hard time getting over you? 

After all, you ment so much to me. And I wonder if you still think of me everyday the way I do. And if somewhere in an alternate universe, we are still on your couch kissing for the first time and forever.