When she shouts at us its like a thunder exploding near by.
Her hanger turns the house in a battle field when everyone can get hurt with her fierce.
You dont have to do anything to make her angry.
You just have to breath to make her anger.
And then after she has get off of all of her frustration of a work day everyone in the house become less nicer to each other until finally we start shouting too.
She makes everyone become unhappy.
Then she goes to her room and gets ready to sleep, she hears noises and people screaming in the living room, she comes out and says to be quiet cause its late and everybody in the neighboardhood is already asleep. You fell desesparate to tell her: "But it was you who started" but then she would start crying and saying your a bad daughter that doesnt apriciate what she does everyday for you.
You dont know how to scape of the vicius cicle that you know well, where you scream, she scream, we scream, they scream, we all scream and there is silence when words have finally hurt in a way nothing else can do.
Its hard to brake a cicle like that, but everyday I try to get out of it. But it seems she need to cry at least one night in a month to feel right.
Why does she like fighting so much?
I dont know.
What I know its everytime hurts.
You can get used to the fight but no to the damage they do.
Why can she be a sweet mommy?
Why she likes making you feel like crap, and then an hour later, she hugs you?
Its sick to play with her own feelings and ours too.
Please God, make someway someday this to change.
I dont think this family can stand for to long with it.

Doesn't exist the perfect family...just stay strong and calm. Hugs...and more hugs.